I love the New Year and all the resolutions that come with it. Firstly it means everything can get back to normal with food and Alcohol getting back in check. Then the motivation that all the old and new gym goers get from their “this is my year” resolutions. Rather than being negative about the amount of people that start and fall off within the first two months I embrace it, as all you hear for the rest of the year from fit pros is the hardest part is getting started.

What then is the problem, why do so many people start with so few finishing what they originally were so motivated to start? Is it unrealistic expectations coming from TV shows such as the biggest loser, possibly. Is it looking to far in the future at bikini models or cover models and losing faith with the process, maybe. Is it the fitness industry’s massive drive to get as many of you in as quickly as possible with minimal follow up, perhaps.

There are lots of flaws I have seen in the industry over getting people to train and not just at the new year boom. Not enough people actually find out why people want to train and utilise that information to manipulate long and short term goals on a regular basis. Meaning the reason you start off at 100% and end at 0% is your goals get further away. Anyone who has supported any sports team that continually struggles will tell you how hard it is to motivate yourself to turn up week on week to get beat again.

The best results I achieve are with clients who have a plan, a target, a visible goal. Weddings, holidays, a fitness event such as a marathon etc. a charity goal such as pound for lbs. these all work really well but should still be time framed goals to go in tandem with your programming. The other reason these people are successful is the willingness to invest in their goals. This doesn’t have to be financial with a trainer such as myself, it could be time researching your goals.

The thing people don’t realise is, starting your goals your motivated. What happens when that motivation starts to disperse? The issue is not the fact 90% of people don’t achieve there goals it’s 90% of people lose motivation on their journey. So the simple answer is keep motivated, but what are the best options to keep motivated?

Assess, set and reassess goals on a regular basis. I’m not saying a new goal every week, a measurement check once a week. One, two or three short term goals to achieve each month that will build up to the long term goal. And never forget how far you have come, be proud of what you have achieved so far.

Have someone to answer to, anyone who can be that little voice on your shoulder to get more out of you is a great help. Have a look round at what the best options are for you, personal trainers, fitness classes, online trainers, a friend with similar goals. It really is a problem shared is a problem halved. On this advise have a look round before investing, find out who’s out to help you or themselves.

Reward yourself. Small goals deserve small prizes, hit your body fat target for month one then buy yourself a new album for your gym playlist. Hit it again for the second month get some new shoes or trainers. Make the achievements a reward instead of just a target.

Don’t forget how important your moods will play in achieving your goals. Record how certain diet habits make you feel. Keep a diary on a weekly basis of how your feeling with your progress, how do you feel when you hit goals how do you feel if your fall behind them. A great way to push you on to the next goal and a great read when you feel a plateau starting.

I applaud everyone who starts a new goal, whether fitness, body fat or mobility this is the start of everything you can achieve. No one starts at the top, but they had to start somewhere.

Healthy regards
Andrew Burgess
Personal Training – Gym72