Our weight management sessions are designed to educate, plan and motivate. Giving you the ammunition you need to make informed decisions with nutrition and the support to follow through with your healthy choices. You will team up with like minded individuals, whilst being encouraged to share progress and work together to achieve your goals.

Below is an example of a typical weight management session.

Workshop Objectives:

  1. Provide participants with practical knowledge and tools for effective weight management.
  2. Create a supportive environment for participants to ask questions and seek guidance.
  3. Help participants understand the importance of long-term lifestyle changes for sustainable weight management.

Duration: 1 hour

Workshop Outline:

  1. Introduction
    • Welcome participants and introduce the workshop’s objectives.
    • Briefly discuss the importance of weight management for overall health and well-being.
  2. Understanding Weight Management
    • Define weight management and its significance beyond aesthetics.
    • Explain the concept of energy balance (calories in vs. calories out).
    • Discuss factors influencing weight gain and loss, such as genetics, metabolism, and lifestyle.
  3. Healthy Eating Guidelines
    • Provide practical tips for building a balanced diet:
      • Portion control and mindful eating.
      • Incorporating whole foods and reducing processed foods.
      • Balancing macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats).
      • The importance of hydration and reducing sugary beverages.
      • Reading food labels and making informed choices.
  4. Physical Activity and Exercise (light)
    • Explain the role of physical activity in weight management:
      • Different types of exercise (aerobic, strength training, flexibility).
      • Benefits of regular physical activity beyond weight loss.
      • Incorporating exercise into daily routines.
    • Demonstrate simple exercises or stretches that participants can do at home or in their daily lives.
  5. Behaviour Modification and Mindset
    • Discuss the psychological aspects of weight management:
      • Overcoming emotional eating and triggers.
      • Setting realistic goals and tracking progress.
      • Developing a positive body image and self-compassion.
      • Strategies for overcoming setbacks and maintaining motivation.
  6. Support and Resources
    • Highlight support systems available, such as weight management programs, support groups, or online communities.
    • Share reputable online resources, mobile apps, or fitness trackers that can assist in tracking progress, meal planning, or exercise routines.
  7. Q&A and Discussion
    • Participants encouraged to ask questions or share their experiences.
    • Facilitate a group discussion to address common challenges and provide tailored advice.
  8. Conclusion
    • Summarise the key takeaways from the workshop.
    • Participants provided with handouts or resources to take home.
    • Encourage participants to continue their weight management journey by implementing the knowledge gained.

Note: This workshop outline will be adjusted based on the  specific needs of the participants.